Dating younger women, and you’ve been asked your age?

Prior to reading this post, my recommendation is that you see the first post in this series to understand the foundational concepts of dating younger women. It’s your mindset and belief system that cause you to sub-communicate many many things as well as dictate your responses. These sub-communications in the form of expressions, movements, actions, words, tone of voice and more are going to greatly influence the attraction between you both. This all affects how to talk to women when they are dating an older man.

To start, ask yourself, “What was her underlying motive for asking the question about my age?”

When dating an older man, the woman’s answer could be varied. Here are some common possibilities:

  1. She has a firm rule to only date with a certain age range. Let’s assume this is not the case.
  2. Does she want to make sure you’re strong?
  3. She wants to make sure you are not apologetic for who you are.
  4. She wants to make sure you can handle her emotions, mood swings, and her up and downs. That you’re a solid rock.

Well done. This will help you communicate in an even better way to bring you both even closer.

Here are 3 example to illustrate potential responses to “How old are you?”

Example 1: Ask her how old she thinks you look. If she guesses more than your age, you may want to talk even better care of your health. Click here to learn more about greater health. When less, tell her “I love you” and then guide conversation to a new topic as if it was done at that point. If the question was just asking to ask, the conversation will continue.

When she asks again, tell her. Then continue the conversation as if the question hadn’t been made. Maybe she’ll say, wow you look much younger. Say thank you. Smile. And continue conversation normally.

Example 2: Ask her how old she thinks you look. If she guesses more than your age, you need to work more on taking care of your health. Click here to learn more about greater health. When less, tell her “I love you” and then guide conversation to a new topic as if it was done at that point. If the question was just asking to ask, the conversation will continue.

If she asks again, tell her. This time, exaggerate it. In an old voice tell her that she will help you with your walking stick and lead her to hold your arm as you are walking. You are exaggerating and being “over the top” with regards to making fun of yourself as if you had 30, 40, 50 or more years than you actually do.

If she asks again, tell her. Then continue the conversation as if the question hadn’t been made. Maybe she’ll say, wow you look much younger. Say thank you. Smile. And continue conversation normally.

Example 3: Ask her how old she thinks you look. If she guesses more than your age, you need to work more on taking care of your health. Click here to learn more about greater health. When less, tell her “I love you” and then guide conversation to a new topic as if it was done at that point. If the question was just asking to ask, the conversation will continue.

If she asks again, then tell her. Then ask her age. Letting her know, if you feel that it is true, that she seems mature for her age. You are subtly qualifying her if she feels she has matured more than most girls her age. When appropriate, you can continue explaining that you don’t normally have an energy/deep/etc. connection (insert the one you have) with someone her age. This allows her to tell you about the experiences she had where she matured and is perfect for you and your vast life experience. All of these can be important in translation with how to flirt with a girl.

These examples illustrate that you are not reactive, in one example that you can make fun of yourself, and that you are strong, centered, and accept yourself. These are all very attractive qualities in what women want.


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