A Simple Step Anyone Can Do
I’m 43 years old and do my best to follow the Power Life System with regards to my health. Here is an unedited picture from when I was recently in Brazil:
On the beach in Brazil
One of the most important things you can do is align how you think about yourself with that of a person who is healthy and treats their body great.
That is my identity and as a result, the thousands of tiny decisions I make naturally lead me to being as healthy as possible.
Your activity for today is to help increase your identity as a person who is healthy and treats their body great.
- Write down how you feel regarding your health and body.
- Write down what you desire for your body with a future date of accomplishment in the present tense.E.g. “I have six pack abs by … date.”Or, “I fit into my favorite pair of jeans by … date.”
- Do the Power Life System Meditation And Energy Balancing Exercises focusing on giving thanks for your health now as well as visualizing and mentally experiencing yourself already having accomplished your Health Desires.If you would like tips on visualizing and mental experience, and are taking the course, then log in to the membership area and download the How To Visualize And Mental Experience guide.However you visualize and mental experience is great. Congratulate yourself for what you do do as with conscious practice you will continually get even better.
- Write down how you feel now about your health and body.Likely, you are feeling more relaxed and feeling more positive about your health. Your identity has already started to shift to that of the person you desire to be.
Willpower vs. Pizza and Chocolate Ice Cream
Let me share a personal story:
Two of my favorite foods were pizza and ice cream. My identity prior to the Power Life System was that of a person who loved these things but wouldn’t eat them to be healthy. It was a constant battle of will power vs. pizza and chocolate ice cream.
Now, my identity is that of a healthy person who eats foods low in carbs and takes great care of my body. At the same time, if I want to enjoy pizza with friends or have an ice cream as a special treat, I do. However, I now find greater pleasure in being congruent with my self identity and enjoying foods that support my new identity.
The Power Is In Your Hands
On a larger scale, we have been influenced (myself included) that we should buy certain beverages, eat certain foods, and do things (that when done consistently are very harmful to our health) by advertisers using mass media.
Each time you do the 4 steps above, you are guiding yourself to be more and more self-directed, where you consciously choose what you will do based on what your desires are. This puts the control back in your hands as well as sets you up for a long and healthy life.
Better Bodies For A Better Earth
In addition, as my identity shifted to that of a healthy and fit person, I became more aware and concerned with organic foods as well as farming methods. Traditional farming methods are polluting our streams and environment; however there are organic methods that use, for example, herbs to repel insects. The more we consume these types of foods, the more we are contributing to protecting the earth where we live and ensuring our future generations will have a planet to live on.
— Eric Michael