How is an acupressure mat beneficial for pain relief, sleep, and overall well-being?
A acupressure mat has been demonstrated in scientific studies to be beneficial for pain relief, improving sleep and other positive impacts in your well-being.
The acupressure mat applies a subtle form of acupuncture with the plastic points that one lays on. Acupuncture is a healing technique from Traditional Chinese medicine that dates back 3,000 years. In 1997, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) publicized the safety of accupunture and the benefits of using it for a wide range of health conditions.
A research study published in 1999 in Research Gate of 126 subjects who used an acupressure mat for 2 weeks of regular use reported pain relief in 98%, improved sleep in 94%, relaxation in 96% and improved energy levels in 81%
Another alternative medicine study in 2011 . The participants reported that after fifteen minutes of daily rest on the acupressure mat that their pain intensity was significantly reduced. They also reported feeling more energized, with improved sleep and that they felt better.
The VitaliZEN acupressure mat is, in my opinion, the best mat on the market. Let me share more about why I developed it.
Several years ago when practicing mixed martial arts, I hurt my lower back. While taking anti-inflammatory medication and pain killers helped relieve the sensation of pain, I wanted something that was natural. The sensei (teacher) was experienced in pressure point therapy, energy work, acupressure and acupuncture. By getting sessions from him, it actually reduced the pain and helped me heal faster.
Click below to watch the video “VitaliZen Acupressure Mat”
To help get these benefits in the comfort of my home or when I am traveling, I researched acupressure mats online. I bought several and found that they all were about the same size. However, at 5’10”, they did not cover my entire body.
If you look at the images below, you will see that your hands and feet have numerous acupressure points, that when triggered can help give numerous benefits. None of the smaller mats allowed me to trigger all the points on my feet and hands at the same time.

Acupuncture points on the feet. The reflex zones on the feet. Acupuncture. Chinese medicine.

acupuncture hands scheme. vector illustration
Additionally, for trigger point work (e.g. to get deep into the acupressure points for increased benefit), very few mats included a trigger point ball.
Finally, the words we speak and the images we see program our subconscious mind. A mat with words and messages that help program for healing and well-being could help program my subconscious mind with the healing, strength and pain relief I desired.
This lead me to create a new mat that is larger, includes a ball, a travel mat and has positive/healing words on it.
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Click here to learn more about the VitaliZEN acupressure mat.